
The information featured on this website, ParkingLotRacing.org, is gathered from public resources. At this time, user registration is not open to event host to enter or update their own events or information. (You can submit such requests here). ParkingLotRacing.org has no affiliation with any of the organizations or external websites currently featured on ParkingLotRacing.org.

The information listed on this website is as accurate as it can be interpreted at the time of record. We obtain event information from the event organizer’s webpages and social media channels. Due to the nature of the sport, things can change up until the day of the event. While we strive to provide the most accurate information possible, we are not “perfect.” We are human and have lives too. And, because we are attempting to capture information across the entire country, we may miss a few things. ALWAYS, always, always check the event host’s communication channels for the latest and greatest event information. We are not responsible for any of your actions as a result of the information listed on our website. If you see something listed incorrectly, we welcome you to report it here so that we can update our website and pass it along to others.

Lastly, we do not condone unsanctioned racing of any form, especially in public and private parking lots. Please do not visit public racing locations for shenanigans as this is how autocross venues are lost from time to time. We are not responsible for your actions or any consequences as a result of the information listed on our website. There are inherent risks when driving a vehicle and when driving a vehicle in a manner that was not intended for public street use as set forth by laws and regulations. Always consult with your local, state, and federal laws and regulations before you act.

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